Saturday, December 27, 2008


DISCLAIMER: I wrote this on much sugar, little sleep, and without meeting ANY of these people in real life. So I drew from some characteristics that I can see, and other things are just plain random. Don't ask where they came from because I probably can't remember now.


They all looked at each other in confusion.

“How did we get here?” asked Carrie, straightening the towel pinned around her shoulders.

Chris shrugged, shifting the laptop case from one hand to the other and adjusting his sunglasses. “I don't know. We just...poofed.”

“Here” was a long corridor, both sides plastered in doors that presumably opened into various different rooms. All of them bore signs expressing instructions that the doors were not to be opened. They knew because Chris had made sure by looking at each one in turn, inspecting them for any signs of patterns or their maker. Of course, there weren't any because the author is too smart for that.

Abigail took a picture of Carol and Matthew.

“Hey! What was that for?” asked Matthew indignantly. Carol promptly rolled her eyes.

“I must take pictures of everything. You never know when they might come in handy,” Abigail replied, shifting her position to take a picture of another group of people. The group, a group of girls doing as girls do and huddling together to discuss their current plight, introduced themselves to each other out of turn.

“Hi, my name is--”

“I live in Alabam--”

“Chocolate is my fav---”

“Katie, and I like to--”

“--a, but I go by Scar--”

“--orite thing to eat, and--”

“--help my mom and--”

“--lett, but my name is really--”

“--Bekah! Wait for me!”

Disgusted with the female way of chattering, Ben meandered about, asking vague questions and insisting that he was always right...well, most of the time. He stumbled across Michael who was sitting on the couch. Where the couch came from and how Ben stumbled across him is a mystery to all involved, but it ended in Ben landing on the opposite end of the couch and sitting up quickly. Michael smiled happily.

Charlyn walked arm-in-arm with Bekah, looking for her next opportune moment to whack Chris, despite his keeping track. Bekah smiled warmly at all who came near her. She offered chocolate chip cookies, which Charlyn usually took advantage of. After all, chocolate was her favorite thing to eat.

Calmly, Mark watched, occasionally interjecting his own comments as well as Klaus, who usually had something sweet to say.

All discussions revolved around two questions: “How did they get there?” and “Do pink and purple armadillos exist?” Several theories regarding the two questions were being discussed and defended apathetically, with monotone voices and heavy eyelids.

Elisabeth, on the other hand, argued her case in a heated tone, ready to refute anybody who came close to ruining her perfect theory. The one who usually pestered her with the thought that another theory just might be right was Cy. Well, his name was Eric but for the sake of the author's sometimes confused fingers, his name will be Cy. (Not to mention, that is also the name he sometimes goes by: Cy Guy. Very fun to say, yes, very fun, preciousss.) Elisabeth's brother, Rainor, stuck close by, ready at any moment to defend his sister, unless of course a snake was involved.

But as all of this has nothing to do with the story or plot at hand, we will get back to that presently, in Chapter One.

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